Saturday, March 10, 2012

To the One I Love

Two quotes from Martin Luther (1483-1546):

“I have held many things in my hands, and I have lost them all; but whatever I have placed in God's hands, that I still possess.”

“Whatever your heart clings to and confides in, that is really your God.”

Let’s reflect upon those things that are truly important to us as individuals. (You need to think about this for yourself, I can’t list the things that are most important to you.) Where do the things that God calls important fit into your list of priorities? Is your love, your life, your livelihood being invested in things, or in places where moth and rust consume and thieves break in and steal—or are you investing your energy and passion into the Dream of God?  Scripture is full of invitations to dream God sized dreams, and says in more than one place that everyone (and, yes, that includes you) gets to see what God sees and dream what God dreams. 

Christ invites us to make our priority the will of God, the Kingdom (Kin-dom, as one dear friend of mine calls it) of God, a place where the streets have no name, a place where our love does not turn to rust.  As I journey through this season of Lent, I try to think of that one thing that holds me back from ultimate trust in God and then work at giving that obstacle away (“Tear down the wall that holds [me] inside.”). If you’re willing find someone to confide in if need be, find a holy friend who will help hold you accountable, but whatever it is that holds you back from fully trusting in God, give it away. Write it down and tear it up. Write it down and toss it into a fireplace if you have one, but give it away as an offering to the God and then rest in your movement toward freedom.
I remember when I saw the movie Rattle & Hum in the theater there was this shift from black and white to color as the song “Where the Streets Have No Name” began.  I got chills; when the guitar intro started up and the Edge was ringing the bells on his guitar, I think that was the moment that I truly fell in love with U2.  I remember with even greater clarity the moment I fell in love with God, so when I speak of tearing down walls it’s so that I can keep falling in love with the One who gave everything for me.

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