28 "Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you'll recover your life. I'll show you how to take a real rest. 29 Walk with me and work with me - watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won't lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. 30 Keep company with me and you'll learn to live freely and lightly." (Matthew 11:28-30 The Message)
This song reminds me of how busy, crowded and yet how painfully lonely life can be at times. “I did not notice passers-by and they did not notice me…speeding through the subway through the stations of the cross, every eye looking every other way, counting down ‘til the pain will stop.” We can be very socially connected and yet very lonely and disconnected at times, and I often wonder who supports us as we surrender to things on any given day. When we surrender to our impatience, when we surrender to our frustration, when we surrender to our pain, when we surrender to busyness when we yearn for rest, when we surrender to God…who is your community of support? Who do you turn to when you are tired, worn out, or burnt out?
I love the way that the Message paraphrases this passage from Matthew’s Gospel. Jesus gives us an invitation to walk with him, to watch what he does and how he does it; he invites us to learn the unforced rhythms of grace. (The rhythm of His heart, the rhythm of His soul) He says, “Love believes in you. Keep company with me.”
This song reminds me of how busy, crowded and yet how painfully lonely life can be at times. “I did not notice passers-by and they did not notice me…speeding through the subway through the stations of the cross, every eye looking every other way, counting down ‘til the pain will stop.” We can be very socially connected and yet very lonely and disconnected at times, and I often wonder who supports us as we surrender to things on any given day. When we surrender to our impatience, when we surrender to our frustration, when we surrender to our pain, when we surrender to busyness when we yearn for rest, when we surrender to God…who is your community of support? Who do you turn to when you are tired, worn out, or burnt out?
I love the way that the Message paraphrases this passage from Matthew’s Gospel. Jesus gives us an invitation to walk with him, to watch what he does and how he does it; he invites us to learn the unforced rhythms of grace. (The rhythm of His heart, the rhythm of His soul) He says, “Love believes in you. Keep company with me.”
Keep company this Lent. Don't let disconnectedness and loneliness rule your life. Don't let virtual relationships replace flesh and blood relationships. Find community somewhere so that when you find yourself on the edge of surrender, there's someone to catch you.
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