Earlier today (I live in Japan BTW) I posted on Facebook as my status:
"I'm supposed to be blogging about "Passion & Possibility" today in connection with the "Day of Prayer and Blogging." For young people who may be considering call, remember that the Church has no walls and lots of effective, passionate, and vital ministry happens in the form of Extension Ministry. "The Church" is more than a local congregation; the Church is the people of God scattered like crumbs to give grace, and hope and light."
Now that I have the time to sit down and actually write something, I guess I should brief you on some background.
I belong to a denomination that is trying really, really hard to allow the Holy Spirit to breathe new life into it.
I carry the label extension minister in my Church tradition because I am ordained and live my call outside the walls of the church as a military chaplain. When I began to pursue my call as a Chaplain, I was frequently asked, "Why are you leaving the Church?"
That's the biggest mis-conception I want to address when it comes to those who are discerning a call to ministry as a vocation; and I want it to be heard as clearly as possible.
You can be a pastor, you can be ordained to Word, Sacrament and Order and not pastor a local congregation.
I do it every day. And I am happier than happy 9 days out of 10. The other day I'm just happy! :-D
My word to you today is simply this: If you are exploring a call, or listening to what God might be saying to you, remember that you aren't required to accept that a box even exists.
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