I've been thinking lately about this particular phrase that gets used in Christian circles: "making a decision for Christ."
Usually that phrase means that an individual has chosen to surrender their lives to Jesus, accepting the work of the cross for the forgiveness of sins and eternal life--I have decided to let Jesus wash me clean. ("Even from the Piggly Wiggly in Yazoo--and the lie associated with *not* having robbed it...")
But what that phrase usually means is that a pastor, evangelist, friend, etc. has gotten a notch in their proverbial belt by helping someone get saved.
"I helped someone make a decision for Christ."
"Have you made a decision for Christ? If not let me tell you what he's done for me..."
"You really should make a decision for Christ because, even if you don't believe it all 100%, you never know you could get hit by a bus 30 seconds from now, and do you really want to risk that?" (And, yes, I have really heard that one.)
So why I have been thinking about this phrase? Because it occurred to me that this is the equivalent of a spiritual one night stand.
Make a decision for Christ and get your belt notched, your card punched, and go about your business the following day hoping no one notices that your haven't showered since last night or that you have some strange new "glow" about you.
What, then, is the alternative? Helping someone grow into a disciple. Helping someone become a follower.
Granted, its a process, and not a short one. Helping someone grow into a disciple requires time and relationship. It requires patience. But it's what Jesus did.
Don't get me wrong. We need to make a decision. We must choose to follow. But it's more than just and intellectual-emotional assent. It's more than just a "one-night stand" with Jesus. It's a life of learning covenant and receiving grace.
I'm just scratching the surface here, but I wanted to get some rough thoughts down.